WhatsApp is reportedly testing out new features in its beta builds for Android. These new features include changes to the Media menu within individual or group chats, new overflow menu for setting the media as a wallpaper, group icon, or profile photo, and new options for viewing media in chat, in addition to a new single rotate option.
Reliable sources with the knowledge of the matter state that all these changes will simplify the Media menu & decrease the number of options seen by WhatsApp users.
As per reports, the WhatsApp - Android beta v2.19.18 brings new options for WhatsApp users for viewing the Media section of a group or individual chat. While browsing images in the media section of a chat, users will see new options listed in the three-dotted menu located in the right-hand top corner of the application. These options are termed as ‘Show in chat’, ‘Set as’, & ‘Rotate’.
Seemingly, the ‘Show in chat’ option allow users to find out from where the image was originally shared. The ‘Set as’ option will enable users to choose whether they want to set it as a group icon, wallpaper, or as their profile photo. The ‘rotate’ option will allow users to rotate the image many times directly from the preview screen, rather than doing so by opening the image and then tapping rotate right or left.
For the record, WhatsApp for Android beta v2.19.21 comes with 21 new emojis & the remote activation fingerprint authentication feature, which was disabled in the firm’s earlier beta builds.
About WhatsApp:
WhatsApp Inc., owned by Facebook, was founded in February 24, 2009. Headquartered in California, U.S., WhatsApp is a freeware & cross-platform messaging & Voice over IP service. This application enables the sending of text messages & voice calls, in addition to video calls, images & other media, documents, & user location.
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